It is hard to deny the power of writing things down into lists. Lists allow you to remember things a lot easier, but more importantly it starts to make real the things that are in your head. Never is it more important than for your bucket list. Below is a method on how to write your bucket list.
What is a Bucket List
A bucket-list is a list of all the things that you want to do before you die. They are big things (round the world trip) and they are little things (Run 6km in a week). We all have this list it is just that most of us don’t write them down. Why not? Could be that you would be embarrassed that you list was not good enough for other people. You could think it is silly to write these things down and that you will be judged by others. You could feel the things on your list are not exciting enough. Forget all of this!! Your bucket-list is for you and you alone. It doesn’t matter what other people think, it is what you think of the list that counts.
So how do you you do it? It is a simple question, but how do you write your bucket list? First time I tried, I starred at a blank piece of paper for ages. My biggest problem was I was trying to list them in order, which stifled my creativity.
How to Write Your Bucket List
I started with a blank piece of paper and did a massive brain dump. You should give yourself some time to do this (and maybe a glass of wine). Every thought that comes into your head, write it down on the piece of paper. Doesn’t matter how big or how small, just get it down on paper. Doesn’t matter if it is the silliest thing you have ever thought of, just get it down on paper. Let your mind go – think of all the countries you would like to visit, all the challenges you would like to over come and all the cool things you would like to do in life. Write them down. Once you have them all down on paper, take a break (even if it is only to refill your glass with wine!!)
Get Specific
Once you have completed your brain dump, go back over the list and get more specific. When I did my first brain dump of my most recent list I had as an example – “Travel Overseas” and “Run 100km in a month”. These became – “Travel to Africa”, “Travel to South America”, “Travel to Japan” and “Run 100km in March 2021”. These will need to get more specific, but you get the picture. Now go back through your list and get specific on the things that you have written down.
Break you List into Categories
Once the above was completed for me, I then found it easier once I broke it down into categories. The categories I have chosen are as follows
- Travel – Eg Travel to Africa
- Learn – Eg Learn to play guitar
- Indulge – Eg Buy a fishing boat
- Challenge – Eg Take a parachute jump
- Charity – Eg Donate $1M to charity
I have put the examples in from my bucket list to help in deciding what goes into which category. If they overlap, dont worry. Just put them into whichever category you think fits best.
And there you have it. Your very first bucket list of things to do before you die. Congratulations. No get out there and start to tick them off.