
Launching a business? Ask these 9 questions

Launching a business? Ask these 9 questions

Starting a new business can be incredibly exciting, but it’s important to thoroughly evaluate your business idea before taking the plunge to ensure you’re creating a sustainable and successful venture. To get started, here are 9 questions to consider as part of an overall evaluation process. Save yourself money, time, and heartache down the line […]

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Validate your new business idea with market research

Validate your new business idea with market research

Assessing the viability of your new idea is an essential part of market research. While seeking input from friends and family is common, gathering information from the market itself can provide more accurate insights. Here are 4 effective research tactics to collect accurate information about your business idea: Harness the power of the internet Leverage […]

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Avoiding bankruptcy: Top reasons it happens and ways to prevent it

Avoiding bankruptcy: Top reasons it happens and ways to prevent it

Starting a business is not for the faint of heart. A certain level of stress comes with carrying the responsibility of ensuring your company’s success. If things go wrong, it all falls back on you. That said, the freedom and sense of accomplishment of running your own business make the challenges well worth it. With […]

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6 tips to paying down your personal debt in 2023

6 tips to paying down your personal debt in 2023

2023 is expensive. The cost of living is higher than ever, interest rates keep rising, and it keeps getting harder to stay afloat, let alone get ahead. As a result, carrying personal debt has become commonplace. But, with the challenges of the past few years, many of us have more debt than we’re comfortable with. […]

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Unlocking the secrets of small business cash flow

Unlocking the secrets of small business cash flow

When it comes to running a small business, maintaining a healthy cash flow is essential for sustainability and growth. Your business can be incredibly profitable but still ultimately fail because of improper cash flow management. To prevent that from happening, here are some best practices that can help you better manage your cash flow and […]

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Essential steps to managing your family’s finances

Essential steps to managing your family’s finances

Managing family finances can be a daunting task, but with the right tools and mindset, it can be a smooth and effective experience. Here are some essential steps for managing your family’s finances, including budgeting, saving, and planning for the future. Budgeting Budgeting is the cornerstone of managing family finances. It involves creating a spending […]

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Cybersecurity Best Practices for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses

Cybersecurity Best Practices for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses

Cybersecurity Best Practices for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses In our digital age, cybersecurity is a crucial aspect of running any business. Cybersecurity breaches could lead to not only data theft but also reputational and financial loss. Hence, it’s imperative to establish robust cybersecurity measures to protect your business and customers’ sensitive information. Here are some […]

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Debt management tips for small business owners

Debt management tips for small business owners

For a small business owner, managing finances can be a daunting task. Keeping track of expenses, payments, and cash flow can be overwhelming, especially if you’re dealing with debt too. A business loan, line of credit or a business credit card can help your company hire new employees, purchase inventory, purchase equipment, and finance growth, […]

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Why SME business owners wear superhero hats

Why SME business owners wear superhero hats

How often do you feel like a superhero, taking on the world and tackling everything that comes your way? If you’re a small business owner, chances are it’s more often than not! The demands of running a small business can weigh heavy on our shoulders at times, and as business owners we often try to […]

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Unlocking the potential of remote teams: Things to consider when your staff is spread out

Unlocking the potential of remote teams: Things to consider when your staff is spread out

As a small business owner, you may be considering enabling a remote work environment. With the rise of technology and the pandemic shifting the way we work, managing a remote team has become a popular option for business owners looking for new and unique ways to grow their business.  However, there are both benefits and […]

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The power of social media marketing for small businesses

The power of social media marketing for small businesses

As a small business owner, you know the importance of getting the word out about your company and engaging with customers. Social media platforms are indispensable tools for achieving this.  The following is a guide to help you leverage social media to increase your brand’s awareness, engage with customers, and generate leads. Step 1: Define […]

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Economy slowing.  Tips and advice for your business

Economy slowing. Tips and advice for your business

It’s hard to go a day without reading something in the news about the state of the economy. Whether it’s interest rates rising or the cost of living, there’s no getting around the fact that in 2023 there are many doing it tougher than a few years ago. But while there are some economic challenges […]

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Employees.  Getting the right ones for your business

Employees. Getting the right ones for your business

As a business owner, you know that the right people are crucial to your company’s success. The best employees can help you achieve your business goals, improve your productivity, and drive growth. But finding the people best suited to your team can be daunting, and sometimes it’s easy to hire someone who seems okay, rather […]

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Interest Rates

Interest Rates

Tip tip to fight rising costs… (You’re welcome) Okay, so all we hear is “inflation, inflation inflation” right? Yes, things have increased and if you are waiting for things to return to normal then you are risking a massive loss in revenue and profits. One of the biggest impacts to hit any business is rising […]

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Federal Budget 2022: What it means for you

Federal Budget 2022: What it means for you

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg has released the 2022 Federal Budget ahead of a Federal election in a few months. This article has a summary of the “Winners and Losers” of the Budget and we’ve compiled a recap of the key points below. Get in touch with us if you have any questions. A Quick Overview Due […]

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Our new book! 101 Strategies for Business Owners to Save Tax

Our new book! 101 Strategies for Business Owners to Save Tax

Get a signed copy of our new book – Save Tax! Saving tax is not exclusively a billionaire’s game. If you’re striving to support your family, your business or your dreams, you can play too – but you have to know the rules. My new book – Save Tax – helps business owners, entrepreneurs and […]

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How to Write Your Bucket List

How to Write Your Bucket List

It is hard to deny the power of writing things down into lists.  Lists allow you to remember things a lot easier, but more importantly it starts to make real the things that are in your head.  Never is it more important than for your bucket list.  Below is a method on how to write […]

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The Benefit of Written Goals

The Benefit of Written Goals

Having written goals in life are important.  They are part of what gives our lives purpose and direction.  The key is to make sure that you give yourself the best chance to achieve those goals.  So how do you do that?  Below are our five tips to giving yourself the best chance of achieving your […]

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Know your Why in Business

Know your Why in Business

We all go into business with grand plans.  We are going to do it better than anyone else.  We have grand designs of changing the world, and retiring with more money than we will know what to do with.  For most of us in business though, this never happens.  Why not?  Where does it all […]

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Pandemic Tips to Prepare Your Business

Pandemic Tips to Prepare Your Business

The COVID-19 pandemic has caught most of us off guard. Who would’ve thought that the world would spend the year battling a virus? This unprecedented crisis is a reminder that these business threats are very real and act as a wake-up call for businesses. Even if the scenario seems far-fetched, it pays to prepare for […]

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