

For those that want to know where they have been. You are in business and you just want to keep the ATO happy. You want to pay the lowest amount of tax that you can, without risking a jail sentence. You are happy with how the business is tracking along and don’t need any assistance with it.


249 / month +GST

  • Annual Financial Statements
  • Annual Tax Return
  • BAS Review

You want a little bit more than what you had yesterday. You still want to pay as little tax as possible and keep the ATO happy. But you also want to know how your business is tracking right now. You want to gain an understanding of your key numbers once they have happened. You want to be on top of who owes you money and what bills you have coming up.


499 / month +GST

  • Annual Financial Statements
  • Annual Tax Return
  • BAS Review
  • Bookkeeping - Xero & Hubdoc
  • Quarterly Report on key numbers

You understand the importance of knowing what your numbers are today, but you also have an eye for the future. You want to be in a better position tomorrow than what you are today. You have set goals that you want your business to achieve and you want regular accountability to sure that you stay on track to achieve them. You understand that everything is being done to keep your tax to a minimum – but your main focus is getting your business to where you want it to be. You have the drive to be better tomorrow than what you are today.


749 / month +GST

  • Annual Financial Statements
  • Annual Tax Return
  • BAS Review
  • Bookkeeping - Xero & Hubdoc
  • Quarterly Report on key numbers
  • Cashflow and Budget
  • Annual Meeting to Determine goals for next 12 months
  • Monthly/Quarterly meetings to review key Targets
  • Liaise with your Professional Team

You are working hard to ensure your business is successful. However you also know that there is more to life than your business. You have personal goals, some of them big goals, that you want to “tick off your bucket-list” before you leave this earth. Could be climbing Mt Everest, a round the world trip, or just being able to spend more time with the grand kids. Whatever it is, you understand the enjoyment you will get from being able to do them. These wont happen without the same commitment that you had with your business. You will take the success your business has achieved and turn this into real life experiences that you want. All that hard work, pays off here.


999 / month +GST

  • Annual Financial Statements
  • Annual Tax Return
  • BAS Review
  • Bookkeeping - Xero & Hubdoc
  • Quarterly Report on key numbers
  • Cashflow and Budget
  • Annual Meeting to Determine goals for next 12 months
  • Monthly/Quarterly meetings to review key Targets
  • Liaise with your Professional Team
  • Understanding of "Bucket-List"
  • Structured plan to achieve "Bucket-List" items
  • Accountability