The Benefit of Written Goals

The Benefit of Written Goals


Set Your Goals

Having written goals in life are important.  They are part of what gives our lives purpose and direction.  The key is to make sure that you give yourself the best chance to achieve those goals.  So how do you do that?  Below are our five tips to giving yourself the best chance of achieving your goals.  Even those big hairy audacious goals.


1. Ensure you set highly specific goals

The written goals needs to be specific.  Don’t say that you want to be rich.  Say that you want to have $5 million dollars in the bank by the time you are 50.  It may seem crazy, but your subconscious mind will focus on the precise number, which will alter your actions on a daily basis.  Also, this specific goal needs to be measurable.  That is why saying you want $5 million dollars in the bank by the time you are 50 is so great.  It is measurable.  At all times leading up to turning 50, you can see how you are tracking towards your goal.

2. Create strong reasons for your goals

Having strong reasons for your written goals will give you a greater chance of success.  You need to come up with reasons that go beyond purely superficial.  Superficial reasons will not help you achieve your goals.  When the going gets tough, superficial reasons only will mean that you will most likely give up on your goals.

What is an example of a strong reason for your goals?  An example might be – I want to have $5 million in the bank by the time I am 50 so I can continue to provide for my family, help my children to purchase their first home, and to make the world a better place by contributing to the UN Global Goals

This reason for the $5 million is so much stronger than just wanting to have $5 million, that you would not give up when the path to the goal becomes hard.

3. Develop a Thorough Plan

It doesn’t matter how big or outlandish your plan is, the only person that has to believe in it is you.  Regardless of the goal, or why you want to achieve it, if you want it to happen you need to develop a plan.  Without a plan you are just leaving everything to chance.

The plan needs to be written down and needs to be thorough.  What are the steps you need to take to get to your goal?  Don’t rush this part of the process.  Write down the big steps and the little steps.  Once you have the plan, keep it close and refer to it regularly.  And dont be afraid to change the plan if your circumstances change.  You might find other steps that you need to include to help achieve your goal faster.  This becomes a dynamic plan.

4. Make sure you are prepared to take Massive Action

The successful people who achieve their goals not only set goals and develop a plan, they take massive action to see the goals are achieved.  The goal and the plan are great, but unless you are prepared to take action on them they are going nowhere!!  Stop procrastinating about achieving them, and just do what needs to be done to achieve.  Do things differently.  Doing the same things over and over achieves the same results you have always achieved.  Dont worry about what other people think.  Set your plans into action.

5. Continually Monitor

Break your bigger goals down into smaller tasks and goals.  If your plan is to achieve $5 million in the bank in 10 years, then break this down into smaller milestones along the way.  Track your results as you go, making the necessary changes when needed.

Some goals worth achieving can be hard to get, but not impossible.  Stay focused on your goals with strong reasons, take action and you will get there.  Be in the minority and work hard to achieve your goals.  It might not seem sexy, but have the plan, work hard and live your full life.

If you need help with the process, please get in contact with us.  We have a systemised approach that will hold you accountable to achieving your goals.

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